How My Dad’s Unpredictable Golf Swing Became My Favorite Comedy Show

It’s been 10 years since my dad passed away. 

I still find myself thinking about his golf game and all the times we spent together. Those moments truly held a special place, ones that could never be replaced.

To summarize his golfing ability — he was terrible. Wait until you read how he beat me in one game of golf.

Loud and Boisterous

Dad was a loud man who liked his alcohol and parties. 

He loved life and having fun, and his golf game reflected that. “Loud” is an understatement. 

Being brought up in a French household, this was normal. I’m sure some of you can relate to this. 

The jokes he would come out with were priceless.

“A man wakes up in the hospital and is confused as to where he’s at. The doctor tells him, “You were in an accident and have been out for 5 days.” The guy asks the doctor, “How am I?” The doctor replies, “Which would you like first, the good news or the bad news?” The patient says, “The bad news.” The doctor answers, “Well, we had to amputate both your legs.” “OMG, what’s the good news?” says the patient. The doctor replies, “The guy in the next room wants to know if he can buy your shoes.”

My Dad: The Golfer Behind Who I Am Today

The reason I’m such a great golfer today has a lot to do with my dad. 

He was constantly distracted, from taking phone calls to rearranging his golf clubs, and even trying to flag down the cart girl. 

We golf with a few guys who get distracted by every little thing around and they blame their bad shots on that stuff. 

I, on the other hand, don’t even notice anything. Even if someone is blaring music, I ignore the noise and go about my usual routine. 

One of the guys in our group always bugs me about being in the zone and not losing my focus. That comes down to my father, who was an impossible man to play with, developing those skills.

Funny Story

There is one story that always sticks in my mind. 

My father and I would always gamble when we played. Nothing serious, but enough to make things a little interesting. 

You have to understand, that he was a very lucky guy. 

So, we are on the 11th hole, which is a par 5, and I’m in front of the green around 30 yards away in 2 shots. 

I hit a poor chip and have a long putt left. My dad stepped up to his shot, which wasn’t much further than my 30-yarder, and he was there in 4 shots. 

He proceeds to skull the shot. Immediately, I thought, “Fantastic, I finally won a hole.” 

What happened next was unreal. The ball shoots off like an Elon rocket. 

It hits the actual flag and hangs there for what seems like an eternity. Then, it drops an inch from the hole. 

He begins to laugh so hard he’s crying. That sums up my father’s golf game.

Thank you for reading :)


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