Just Say No to Alcohol




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

What if I told you that making a simple change in your life would improve your mental and physical health? 

I will let you in on a secret everyone knows but disregards. 

It’s difficult to defend since there are no positives from continuing down this path. 

Stop drinking alcohol!

I quit somewhere around the middle of November 2023 and haven’t looked back. 

I recently got sick, and in the past, I would be out for 2–3 weeks, but now it’s been three days, and I’m like a new man already. 

They say your body transforms after quitting, which I can attest to. 

You seem to slim down and put on more muscle, which is fantastic.

Life Changes

What I mean by this is that you start to notice things and people around you. 

You’ll go to a birthday party where you usually drink and have fun. 

This could be with friends and family. 

Once you stop drinking, there is a shift that occurs after a month or two. 

These people you would drink with become annoying, and you can’t even stand to be around them. 

When you get home at night’s end, you think, “These people are complete losers.” 

Even if they don’t get drunk, they still annoy you, even more so because drunk people you can make fun of, and they don’t care. 

Listen, you don’t need alcohol to have a good time. It’s a crutch; you must work out issues if you need it.

My Recent Dinner

This past weekend, I went to a nice steakhouse with some family. 

I looked around the tables and saw ten plus ours, so eleven. Every single one of them had alcohol on the table. 

Every single one. 

That blows my mind, yet it makes sense. People drown out their mindless, lifeless lives through alcohol. I can’t blame them. 

And what’s up with wine nowadays? 

I mean, any middle-aged woman who doesn’t have a Wine of the Month box club subscription is an outcast. 

It’s like they are trying to reclaim their youth or something. 

If I get set up on a blind date with one of them, I’ll bring them a gift, a sign that says, “It’s wine o’clock somewhere.” 

My aunt hangs hers up in the laundry room.

Middle Ages

I’m no historian, but I did read a bit about why alcohol is so mainstream in our society. 

The water was not safe to drink, so alcohol killed everything and made us healthier at the time. 

That’s not the case today, so there should be no excuse to drink. 

Most tastes like paint varnish, and most people don’t like it. 

The people who are prone to alcoholism are a different story, and they might enjoy the taste of beer or scotch.

. . .

There are plenty of great videos on YouTube that explain the effects of alcohol if you’re interested. 

Dr. Huberman often talks about what alcohol does to the brain. 

Learning about it is interesting, especially if you want to avoid nasty hangovers or feeling tired all day after a night out. Anxiety is way down, and energy levels are way up. 

I will never go back to alcohol, and I wish I did this 20 years ago. 

I was also not much of a drinker, to begin with, so it could be much more difficult for some people to quit. 

If so, hang out with some drunk friends and observe them, then ask yourself, “Do I want to be like these people?”


Male Brain vs Female Brain


Why I Chose to Unplug and Take a Nothing Day