My 200-word Experiment




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Don’t you find that most articles can be said in fewer words than we read? 

I find it frustrating to read something that could be told in about a quarter of the length. 

Some articles need length if they explain something in detail, yet most can be summarized in a few paragraphs. 

I will write articles that are 200 words in length, give or take, depending on the subject and how in-depth it has to be. 

This won’t be one of those atomic newsletters, but rather a more concise summary of what I’m trying to say. 

A few people have sent me private notes indicating I ramble on, and it wasn’t necessary, so I will give this a shot. 

Wouldn’t people instead read something that is to the point and takes them less than a minute to read and comment? 

People write more words than necessary for the read ratio.

Even articles way before Medium existed did this.

Read an article, then put it in ChatGPT and ask it to summarize in 200 words and see what you truly miss. 

You’ll see what I mean.


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