The Time I Paid $85 for a Simple 18-Minute Video




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Times were tough, and I was desperate. Although my golf game was exceptional, I had no short game.

The short game covers shots within 100 yards, but I struggled most within 25 yards. I could’ve improved from 25 to 100 yards, but it met my expectations.

I was so frustrated with my short game that I considered quitting the game altogether.

Dan Grieves

Dan Grieves came across my YouTube screen late last summer, and he was a short-game expert.

He coached the likes of Charlie Hull and many other great players.

I immediately liked how easy his techniques and teachings seemed to be. I kept putting off buying his course until I couldn’t deal with my golf game.

The credit card comes out on a Saturday morning, and I am willing to pay $85. I purchased this course through an app called Skillest, and I was ready to take on my greatest weakness.

Skillest is a website and app for sports coaches to sell and teach online lessons.

This was my first time using this platform before purchasing the course, but it worked great.

WTF is this Crap?

The payment goes through, and I’m ready to start learning.

Upon opening the course, I noticed only 11 videos, which seems short.

I then began listening to the first few and realized they were between one and three minutes each. I thought, “Man, did I get ripped off? I didn’t know their refund policy, so I watched the first four videos.

They cover the basic release technique.

Think of this as one release in a racquet sport. It’s sort of like how you put a spin on a tennis shot or ping-pong shot. If you aren’t familiar with golf, it’s very similar.

This shot is called the bump and run. It’s a very predictable one that you should use as often as possible.

Sometimes, it’s not ideal, but there is no benefit in getting fancy when you don’t need to.

After spending six minutes watching those videos, I head to the golf course to practice what I learned.

My Results

It does take some getting used to, but the results were a vast improvement over my non-existent short game. It didn’t take me long to learn the three releases Dan teaches.

My confidence has soared, and I’ve made shots I never thought possible.

It’s made the game a lot more fun. Even though it seemed pricey then, I now see how valuable that course was.

I would pay triple the price as the value far outweighed the cost.

It shows that you don’t need a lengthy course or a long coaching session to get value from something.

Sometimes, all it takes is a few short lessons or, in this case, a few short videos.


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