How to Write a Captivating Article Using the 30% Rule

One thing I struggled with very early on was writing too much. It’s still a struggle and it always will be. 

It’s improved over the years as it should. 

Doing is the best medicine for anything.

What is the 30% rule?

Try to cut your work by 30%. 

This isn’t just for editors as authors do this themselves as well. Editors aren’t evil when they cut your text down and shorten it. They are trying to help, which took me a while to learn. 

Whenever I write anything, I never edit my first draft as I go. I let it go all at once and then see the damage I’ve left behind. 

My ritual is to sit down and write after I’ve come up with a title and subtitle. 

After my article is complete, I use this rule. 

I do my best to cut 30% or more off my word count before I publish. Reading through my article, I can usually cut off 10–20% right away. It’s that last 15% ish that is much more difficult. 

Here are some tips I use:

  • Try to shorten sentences

  • Take two sentences and make one concise sentence

  • Get rid of some adverbs (usually, try)

  • Fix hard-to-read sentences

  • Limit the use of passive voice. Example: The house was cleaned by the maid. (Passive). The maid cleaned the house. (Active)

It’s easy to keep writing and writing, thinking you’re adding more value to the piece. 

Yet, the reader won’t appreciate that. 

They want something as concise as possible as their time is valuable. Say what you need to say and keep it simple. 

There is also no need for a conclusion to this article or any final thoughts.

Thank you for reading :)


This is Why Comparison is the Thief of Joy


How to Craft Compelling Subtitles that will Captivate your Readers