The Boring Article That Taught Me Something Crucial




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Here I was, sitting on the couch during Easter weekend after the festivities were done for the night. 

After reading various articles on Medium, I came across a headline that sounded boring yet drew me in. The reading time was 6 minutes, so I began to read and afterwards realized that the article was terrible and dull. 

Here is a list of good and bad points from that particular article:

  • The spelling and punctuation were excellent.

  • Sentence structure was on point.

  • Formatting was excellent, with no unnecessary italics or bold.

  • The article had no real point, even though the headline promised that.

  • It was researched and very detailed

This made me think about how such a structurally sound article was terrible and how others seemed like a joke. 

Yet, they made money and had engagement. 

The content and how the writer gets their point across make the most significant difference. Spelling, punctuation and overall readability are a bonus, but the main component is the content. 

Now I understand why some writers with poorly written articles can make more money than those you would expect to earn more.


How to Never Run Out of Ideas to Write About


A Look Into How Editing Can Improve Your Articles