Unpacking the Surge When the Day My Article’s Views Went Wild

Yesterday morning, I awoke to an astonishing surge in views and reads on one of my articles. I’m relatively new here, just a few weeks in.

Compared to my other new pieces, this article exploded in attention.

How to Cultivate Lasting Inner Peace with Seven Key Steps to Mindfulness
Unlocking the secrets of a calmer, happier You.thetaoist.online

At First Glance

I’m not very familiar with how everything works on Medium yet. Initially, the number of views and reads impressed me.

I also didn’t mind the extra income, even though it seemed low for what happened.

I went through my workday, wrote a little, edited an article for a publication, and thought nothing more of it.

As the day passed by, I decided to take a deeper dive into my stats for that one article.

External Shock

What I discovered was that 96% of my views and reads came from an external link and not from inside Medium.

While this is cool, it explains the low income derived from this article in comparison to the stats.

I’m fine with that, as most external readers aren’t subscribers.

This article had to have converted some readers to join the program, so I guess I’m helping out in some way.

If I get any other weird or odd stats, I will make sure to share them so we can learn together.

Thanks for reading :)


The Controversial Article I Chose Not to Write and Why


Master the Art of Formatting Your Medium Articles to Boost Reads and Engagement