Another Group of People Who Should Be Put in a Blender




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

People who stop in traffic to let people out or pick people up. 

I’m driving down a busy road in our city, and then some dumbass car stops in the middle of the road to let someone out. 

Come on, man, pull off to a side road or into a parking lot. 

These people aren’t handicapped either, just dumb. 

If they were disabled, then I’m entirely okay with that happening as they can’t walk far, and it’s a challenge. It’s also dangerous as people aren’t expecting someone to stop on a busy road. 

The other group of people I detest are those who turn around on streets and block the traffic. 

Once again, could you not pull into someone’s driveway or turn around at the following street five seconds down the road? 

What is with people and their terrible driving habits? 

Police never seem to be around when this happens, but our city has fewer than a million people, so we never see a police vehicle. 

I’m always amazed at how many police vehicles I see when I visit the USA. 

I see more in one week than I’ve seen in my lifetime back in Canada.


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