Does Everyone Need a Newsletter?




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

For the record, I have one. Are they necessary, however? I’m not sure. 

Mine is monthly, so it’s not time-consuming, but I’m considering letting it go. So many people here have a newsletter, and I wonder what they do with them. 

Do they make any money, or is it some long-game setup? 

I have subscribed to many newsletters over the past 10+ years, unsubscribed to them over time, and never bought anything from them. 

That doesn’t mean they don’t work and other people don’t buy stuff from newsletters; that’s just me. They say the selling percentage is around 1%, so if you have 300 subscribers, you might sell three, whether an ebook or a subscription. 

It isn’t bad, but it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, which most things aren’t. 

So what do I do with mine?

On the one hand, I’d instead not produce one.On the other hand, it could prove to be fruitful in the years to come. 

My advice to people who don’t currently have one is to forget about it and enjoy writing. 

Then, you can entertain the idea when you have a good following.


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