The Truth About Relationships Nobody Will Ever Tell You




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Traditional relationships have to be the most complicated. Let me indulge you in what I have witnessed. 

I base these observations on what I’ve discovered, tested, or seen over the years. 

So, let’s begin with the age-old question first.

Are We Equals?

I’ll say no to this debate. 

The real question should be, “Equal at what?” The honest answer lies in what the challenge or action is. 

I’m pretty sure women are better at childbirth than men. Throw the equal debate in the garbage because it’s pointless. 

Men and women have their strengths and weaknesses, and there are exceptions to every rule. 

So, that’s my view on the “Are we equal” question. 

The answer is that it depends.

Evolutionary Traits

This is where the relationship dynamics get complicated. 

There is much to say about evolutionary traits and the primal brain. Like the unconscious brain, it’s something we can’t control. 

For example, for people who think you should share household chores, it’s a terrible idea. 

Researchers polled thousands of married women a while ago and asked them questions. 

It was completely confidential, so nobody knew who had picked what.

Interestingly, these women found their husbands least sexy when caring for the children. 

To all the men who are the loving, caring dads taking care of the children, well, your time is up. 

Your marriage will not last; if it does, she will be drier than the Sahara desert. 

The wives also found their husbands less sexy when they helped out around the house with chores. 

Guys, keep doing those chores if you don’t feel like ever having sex. 

It works fantastic, trust me. 

These answers all came from married women, by the way, so keep that in mind. 

What adds to the confusion is that you often hear women talking about how they wish their husband would do certain things, but when he does, they lose interest. 

It’s evolutionary psychology, and we can’t change that. 

We should also not be getting upset at anyone because of that. It would be like being upset at the sky because it’s blue. 

How Do We Fix It?

It’s complicated. 

I’ve seen that the most successful relationships have very traditional roles. 

That means the woman does the things she is good at, and the man does the same. 

This might be a different opinion today. 

Still, it usually suggests that women should take care of the inside of the house and the kids if there are any. 

The man handles the outside of the household. 

Both people could work, but the happier ones have only one income. That’s tricky sometimes, as both people need to work to survive. 

Here’s an interesting fact I’ve come across online a few times. 

Suppose the married female receives a pay increase that matches or exceeds her husband’s yearly earnings. 

In that case, it’s a huge marker for divorce within the year. 

Court records regarding divorce statistics backed up this information. I wish I had saved those links, but they are dull anyway.

. . .

I’m not trying to say that all women should be stuck in the kitchen and that men should work and give them an allowance. 

What we have been doing for hundreds of thousands of years has shifted in the last 100 years. 

Some of it has been great, like allowing women to vote and providing equal pay. 

Regarding romantic relationships, what we are doing is not working at all. 

Nobody can even argue that fact as look around and see how many single parents there are. 

It’s close to 50%, and that’s terrible for everyone. 

The truth hurts.

Returning to traditional views and relationships would be better for everyone involved. 

I’m talking about roles here, not old-school thinking about traditional marriages where you’re banned from life if you’re not a straight man or woman. 

If two people of the same sex are married or in a relationship, each should choose specific roles and not overstep. 

In the case of lions, one of the female lion’s roles is to hunt, and the male lion won’t dare tell her otherwise. 

They know their roles, and everything works great. 

You don’t see equality issues there. 

Just as a tribe can’t thrive with only male or female lions, humans can’t build a community without support from both sides.

. . .

I’m not sure of the long-term answer to how to fix these relationships. 

Short-term is easy: don’t live together, don’t get married and don’t have children. That would fix all the issues, but how do we procreate and keep the human race alive? 

This will never happen, and it’s not a workable solution. 

Consider how many relationships you’ve had and whether kids were involved. 

We are not a species that should be latching onto one person for life; that’s obvious. 

It’s a cute idea, but it’s not what we are. 

Polygamy only works one way, with the man having multiple female partners because of hypergamy. 

Don’t shoot the messenger; that’s just the way things are. 

At least I’m at a stage where I can sit back and observe what happens to the human race. 

I have my kids, so now I don’t need to commit to a relationship even though others do. 

People want to remain hopeful, and I can’t blame them. 

Let me know your thoughts regarding relationships over the past 50 years. 

Things have changed, and not for the best. 

Families need to make a comeback, and we need to stop jumping from one relationship to the next.


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