What Is the Fascination With Waking Up at 5 am?




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Waking up early has been a hot topic, driving determination and commitment. 

It seems if you want to succeed, getting up with the roosters is the way to go. 

I have tried this in the past, and the only thing I accomplished was being tired all day and getting less done. 

Some people are not morning people, and while I don’t sleep past 9 am, it ruined me physically and emotionally. 

Someone must explain how dragging yourself out of bed at some ungodly hour will make you a formidable force. 

If you’re a morning person, this might work. 

A night owl will benefit more from working until bedtime than dragging themselves out of bed like a zombie in the early morning. 

They would be more productive at 1 am, being already up, than waking up at 5 am and wishing they could return to bed. 

This is now my routine, and I love it. 

I don’t set an alarm; I wake up when I wake up and prefer working late. 

The rare times I need to set an alarm, I can handle that, and it makes me much happier. 

That is not always the case, but mostly. 

There is so much terrible advice out there. 

You need to be good at uncovering the BS that lies in your wake. 

For those who wake up early and love it, keep doing what works. 

This advice is for those who hate early mornings or have tried this method and think they have yet to succeed. 

Rest assured, you did not fail; mornings suck. 

So next time someone suggests getting up early to start your day, keep hitting that snooze button.


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