Discover One Inspiring Word That Profoundly Boosts Your Happiness

Little did I know that this word would greatly transform my life.


I wasn’t content with my life or what I had.

My situation wasn’t great and I thought I should inherently have more during that time in my life.

Then I came across minimalism and the documentary that resonated with me.

Fascinated by these people, I began on my journey.

They never wanted more and put time and relationships at the forefront.

They had achieved and learned contentment.

Imagine giving up a six-figure income to struggle financially. I mean it sounds insane until it isn’t.

The peace I felt after watching that documentary was astounding. My decision to live my life with contentment was empowering.

Contentment, gratitude, and minimalism are all a little different yet they work perfectly together. I’m also much more mindful of my life and what I decide to bring into it.

A saying goes…never bring something into your life that you can’t walk away from in 30 seconds flat.

Practising contentment daily is a great way to feel you have enough.

If you have a car, for example, be content you can get around as you wish. If you don’t have a vehicle, be content you can take the bus, subway, bicycle or Uber.

If your city or town doesn’t have a great system for any of those, be content you can walk. If you can’t walk, be content you have your mind.

The point is that in any situation you can find the positive and be content. If you can’t see that, then you’ll never have enough.

As the minimalists said in that documentary, “What is enough anyway?

Thank you for reading :)


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