How One Walking Habit Profoundly Uplifted and Transformed My Health Entirely

We all strive to get in shape and lose a few extra pounds, or for the lucky ones, keep the weight off.

When I started my journey it was to get healthy as my back was insufferable and golf season was looming large.

I also wanted to lose weight in the process but health was the main reason.

So I started to walk most days and it was relaxing. The only thing is my back, legs and feet still hurt afterwards.

So I decided to do something weird…very weird.

I went for a walk without shoes or sandals.

It was amazing! I will share with you a few things that I learned along the way.

First off, don’t go for a very long walk the first time. I walked on pavement primarily, and my feet were a bit chewed up afterwards.

You need to be aware of your surroundings. You don’t exactly want to be stepping on glass or anything else that might hurt.

Apart from that, there isn’t much of a negative from walking barefoot. My legs, feet, and back didn’t hurt as much, and the sensations were unique.

Give it a try and see what happens. Some of you might need to wait for spring to come though.

Oh, one last thing — you might want to wash your feet when you come back.

Thanks for reading :) 


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