How To Embrace Mindful Mornings for a Day Filled with Intention and Clarity

Our mornings should be peaceful havens. 

Yet, they often end up in complete disarray. So, how can we get back that calm and peaceful start to our days?

At First Glance

When we first wake up, we shouldn’t be reaching for our phones unless it’s to turn off an alarm. Our phones have become an extension of us, so this is much more difficult than we realize.

I’m guilty of this sometimes, yet I’m aware of when it happens. 

Before, I would have grabbed my phone without giving it a second thought. It’s also not a good idea to scroll through your phone if you can’t sleep. 

Side tip: meditation often helps in these cases.

What if I Have Kids?

I’m a parent myself, so I know what you’re going through, and it isn’t easy. 

Children don’t understand if you need 5 minutes in the morning to wake up or chill out. 

You might tell them, but then 10 seconds later, they are calling your name constantly. 

So, what do you do?

First, understand it’s challenging and sometimes not possible to have that calm zen morning. 

You can always ask your partner to give you some space once in a while, like on a weekend if you work during the week. If you’re a single parent, you don’t have that luxury. 

This makes things more challenging, and there are a few options.

  • Wake up earlier. I can’t do this, and I hate waking up, so I get it if this doesn’t apply to you.

  • Try and talk to your child or children about this and train them to give you some calm time in the mornings. If you have an older child, they can always look after the younger ones for a while. I’m not talking 3 hours here, just 10 minutes or whatever time you think you need.

  • You can distract them with something like a TV or a tablet. This is not an ideal solution, but once in a while won’t hurt.

How Much Time Do I Need?

This is different for everyone, so there isn’t a defined number here. 

I’d say anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes is good. Most people need 10 minutes of peace to start their day off right.

If you are someone who doesn’t mind waking up earlier, then you might get over 30 minutes. 

If you’re someone like me who will almost die if I have to wake up early, then 5–10 minutes is all we can hope for.

The Most Important Thing

Having a zen moment first thing in the morning is important. It’s a mind-shift that makes all the difference.

Even if you still look at your phone right away and won’t give that up, you can still try to remain calm. 

If you read an upsetting text or email right away, accept it and try not to worry much. The important thing is to try and avoid chaos in your morning routine.

If you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off, then it makes things very difficult to have a calm, clear day ahead. 

I’m sure most of you would want that every day, but remember, it’s not possible. 

We will always have bad days, so don’t forget this one thing before you go.

Some days are just bad days, that’s all.

Thanks for reading :)


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