The Remarkable Transformation of My Body After Saying Goodbye to Alcohol

I said goodbye to alcohol 3 months ago, back in November 2023. 

It hasn’t been all that long, but sometimes it feels like forever ago — a true sign of how much better I’ve become without it. 

I was never a big drinker, yet it always found a way to creep into my life through social encounters.

Socially Acceptable

This one really grinds my gears. Alcohol is the only substance that, if you quit, you’re almost an outcast.

People start asking you what’s wrong as if you have some disease or severe personal trauma. 

If you were overweight and someone asked you to grab some burgers, they would never think twice when you said you quit eating greasy foods. 

They would encourage it. They might try to sabotage you, as humans are notorious for that. Your friend is probably also overweight and extremely self-conscious. 

They would prefer you don’t make them look bad. It’s a sad reality, yet you know it’s true.

I can’t tell you the number of times someone has asked me “How come?” or “Why, you didn’t drink much.” 

I tell them I feel better, and that there is scientific evidence that alcohol stays in your cells for months. 

You can check out Andrew Huberman for more on this, as he’s much better than me if you want an explanation.

Advertising is a huge component of alcohol’s normality in society. It’s all over the place. 

They are very good at showing it in fun, nostalgic settings, like a birthday party or Christmas Eve with family. 

It’s easy to get sucked in and think, “This is normal.”

What Happened to My Body?

I would like to state that my goal wasn’t to lose weight but rather to feel better. Losing weight was a bonus if it happened, which it did. 

I’m around 8 pounds lighter, and it’s a solid 8 pounds.

It’s not a lot, but don’t forget we had Christmas. I had around seven food engagements, plus extra meals in December. 

That weight that I dropped was a “forever” 8 pounds. 

Not that I can’t ever gain that back, but it wasn’t just water weight. It was solid. So, exactly what happened to my body? 

I’ll do my best to describe the changes.

  • I appear much slimmer in the mirror, despite the weight loss being only 8 pounds.

  • All my clothes fit much better. I don’t feel like a bloated whale all the time.

  • My muscle mass has increased. There could be other reasons for this, but I’m sure my body works better without the alcohol circling it.

  • My energy levels are better.

  • I’m not as hungry as before.

There will likely be more changes in the next 3 months. I don’t feel them now, but I’m very happy with the changes so far.


Alcohol has zero positive benefits. 

If you find any, feel free to share them. 

It can help with issues temporarily. Yet, they always come back, making things worse. It’s not a positive benefit, only a crutch.

You also don’t need it to have a good time. 

The good time doesn’t come from alcohol or food. 

Instead, it comes from spending time enjoying people’s company or the situation you’re in. 

Don’t let the ads on TV fool you into thinking that removing alcohol will make fun disappear. It’s a lie, and they are very good at tricking us. 

I used to believe that lie, and you know what they say?

If you tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.

Thanks for reading :)


Why I Chose to Unplug and Take a Nothing Day


How To Embrace Mindful Mornings for a Day Filled with Intention and Clarity