How to Get People to Like You




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Have you ever met someone, talked to them for a while, then thought, “Wow, that person was nice, or I’d like to spend more time with that person”? 

There is one main reason this happens with some people and not others. 

If someone is unhappy and miserable, you won’t be drawn to them, but what makes those other people so attractive? 

The main reason is that they allow you to talk about yourself, your experiences and anything else you want to discuss. 

They also contribute to the conversation but have a natural talent for letting the other person speak. Trust me, people absolutely LOVE talking about themselves. 

That’s normal, and I’m no exception to that rule. 

There is a reason we are born with one mouth and two ears. 

We should listen twice as much as we talk. 

Next time you meet someone, even if it’s someone you already know, like a friend, let them talk twice as much as you and see what happens. 

You’ll notice a change in their demeanour, and they will probably tell you that you two should get together again soon. 

It’s easy to remember: two ears and one mouth.


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