This One Tip Will Enhance Your Health




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

There is nothing worse than feeling terrible and having low energy. 

Being tired all the time and not having the power to do the things you want or even the basic life necessities like making supper is something that sucks. 

This isn’t meant as “the cure,” but it has helped me in numerous ways.

Stop drinking alcohol!

Period, full stop. 

Quit participating in the myth that alcohol isn’t dangerous for us and that it’s socially acceptable. I wasn’t a hardcore drinker by any means and would have one or two drinks from time to time. 

A few times a year, I would get drunk, but nothing serious. 

When I told people I was thinking about quitting altogether, they all tried to convince me otherwise, which is weird. 

This was back in November, so the Christmas parties and get-togethers were a little challenging, yet there was nothing I couldn’t get through. 

Now, it’s easy to say no and not take part. 

The bonus of not drinking is that you save a bunch of money, as it’s expensive here. Buying a 24 of beer at the store is around $58 now, so I’m glad I quit. 

Think about how crazy it is to pay money to kill yourself slowly. 

Wild world we live in.


How to Get People to Like You