What Will You Do When Your Hair Loss Begins




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Have you ever looked in the mirror for hours and from different angles? 

I always thought I was the only one who did this until I found an entire community of people online. 

Bald Cafe is a fantastic YouTube channel that helped push me to deal with my hair loss.

Who would’ve guessed that millions worldwide are dealing with the same issue?

The people on his channel are primarily men, yet women suffer the same fate. 

I can’t even imagine what they go through, as it’s challenging enough for us men.

When It Begins

I first started to thin out when I was still in high school. 

By the time I entered my early 20s, it was noticeable.

My cousin told me to shave my head, but I thought it would look worse.

Eventually, we cut it to ½ of an inch. 

It was still too long, yet I would not realize that for 20 more years.

I had to wear hats strategically and hated when my hair got messed up.

It’s ironic since I never had any, yet in my mind, I did.

And what’s up with taking pictures?

You are either taking pictures of your bald spots or looking at pictures people have taken.

That’s when you notice the issue.

People lose their hair for many reasons, and I can say that you won’t be successful in stopping it.

After age 40, it’s common for both men and women to start losing their hair. 

It’s not uncommon for men to start 20 years before that with a more subtle hair loss.

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It never bothered me that much, but the maintenance was getting annoying. 

I had to shower and ensure my hair was dry before going out in public.

People often criticized my routines and what I thought was my “messy hair.” 

I never used any products, thank god, but I have seen stories of people using all sorts of stuff.

There are the spray-on hair cans like you’re Banksy creating art on your head. 

Then there are the toupee people. 

These hair pieces are pretty intricate and look decent.

The issue is they are costly and take time to create. 

You tape or glue them to your head and must be careful when sweating or swimming.

Next are the haircuts and styles to make you seem like you have more hair than you do.

I used this one in my early years. 

I’d comb my hair forward to make it look like I had a hairline or spike it up toward the center for a different optical illusion.

Don’t even get me started if the wind interfered with my creations.

Hats are another big option for men especially. 

If you ever see a guy wearing an old grungy gross hat, then guarantee he’s self-conscious about his hair loss.

What Can You Do?

The easiest thing you can do is embrace it. 

It took me a while to realize this, and the Bald Cafe gave me the courage to cut my hair without a guard.

I did that for a few weeks, then decided to go out and buy myself a Braun Series 9 electric shaver.

It’s the same one The Rock uses. 

It was pricey, $350, yet it is the best shaver on the market.

Make sure to clean the blade under high-pressure water after every use. 

It was intriguing to have a shaved head, but the look was immaculate.

The thing I prefer over the straight razor is that you can still see the hair outline a little, and I like that.

I shave my head every 2–4 days now and love it. 

I never wear hats, and nothing messes up my hair anymore.

Swimming is a treat, and the sun on my head is lovely.

I wish I had done this 20 years ago!

Don’t make the same mistakes I made and forget the sunscreen the first time out.

Don’t worry about your head shape; it looks fantastic with a shaved head.

It’s all a myth and all in your head, trust me. 

When you decide to leap, you will not regret it.

You’re mistaken if you believe you might face criticism in your job.

Google famous people with bald heads and tell me if they look unprofessional.

Women can also shave their heads, but I understand it’s a much more complex issue than it is for men. 

Embrace the bald journey, and you will be free. 


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