How to Write an Engaging Opening




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Your opening sentences are crucial to engaging your reader from the start. 

Classic introductions are a thing of the past, like indenting new paragraphs. 

It’s still acceptable in books and a few other areas of writing. 

The opening should be to the point and concise and not fluff for the sake of adding words. I used to do this and would have a set amount of words I’d need for my introduction before getting into the meat of the information. 

It’s best to start with your best stuff and hook the reader immediately rather than drag out something boring that nobody wants to read. 

Don’t lead your readers into false promises; instead, bring them into your article so they can feel what you’re trying to say. 

Put some emotion into it and give them a reason to stay. 

There is nothing quite like an engaging opening that initiates an emotion, good or bad. 

Writing is all about this, so throw your best stuff in the first two to three sentences and see what happens. Fluff is always bad anyway, so don’t fear giving it all away early. 

Your readers will thank you for it.


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