Jokes of the Day: The Avid Golfer and the Lady Hiking




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Joke #1

An avid golfer is out with his friends on a beautiful Saturday morning.

As they approach the 7th hole, a funeral procession is going on.

It’s his turn to shoot, but he stops and removes his hat for two minutes of silence.

His buddies are watching as they wait to hit their shots. 

When they reach the next hole, one of his friends says, “It was nice of you to wait before hitting your next shot and offer your condolences.”

The guy looks at him and responds, “Well, it’s the least I can do.

I spent 35 years married to her.”

Joke #2

A lady enjoys a leisurely early morning hike on a remote campsite trail.

She sees a bear in the distance and freezes.

The bear starts running towards her, so she takes off in the opposite direction.

After a few seconds, she realizes she will have no chance of out-running this bear, so she gets on her knees and starts praying. 

“Oh Lord, please save me and turn this bear into a Christian.” 

The bear catches up to her, immediately gets on its knees, and says, “Dear Lord, thank you for this food I am about to receive…”


Jokes of the Day: The Boss and the Taxi


Joke of the Day