Jokes of the Day: The Four Brothers and the Sick Dog




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Joke #1

A man walks into a bar alone and orders four beers. The bartender tells him he can bring one at a time, and when he’s getting low, he will bring another so they stay cold.

The guy explains to the bartender that he has three brothers living in different parts of the world, so they do this every Friday night and get drunk.

This goes on for months until the bartender brings him his drinks one Friday night, and the guy says, “Oh, I only need three from now on.”

The bartender feels terrible for the guy, so towards the end of the night, he says, “Your last round is on me, and I’d like to offer my condolences.”

The guy says, confused, “Condolences?”

The bartender replies, “Yes, you have only been ordering three beers tonight, so I assumed one of your brothers passed away.”

The guy looks at him and says, “Oh no, they are all fine. I just decided to quit drinking.”

Joke #2

A man takes his sick dog to the vet. 

Upon arriving, they shuttle him into an examination room, and a Labrador walks in. 

He spends the next ten minutes sniffing the sick dog when a cat walks in behind him. 

The cat stares at the sick dog for ten minutes. 

The doctor comes in shortly after, writes the guy a prescription for this ill dog, and hands him a $250 vet bill. 

The man says, “This can’t be right. I’ve been here less than a half hour, and all I got was a prescription.” 

The vet says, “The bill is correct, sir. It’s $100 for the lab test, $100 for the CAT scan and $50 for the prescription.”


It’s That Time of the Week My Kids Love Me Again


People in Public Annoy Me