Jokes of the Week: Weird Names, the Ex-wife and One Liners




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Joke #1

A bizarre couple in the neighbourhood called their two sons by very odd names. 

The oldest was called “Trouble,” and the youngest was “Mind your own business.” 

One day, they were playing hide and seek, and the youngest couldn’t find his older brother Trouble and was worried. 

He saw a police car coming down the street, so he flagged it. He explained to the officer that he and his brother were playing hide and seek and that he was worried about his brother. 

The officer asked his name, and he said, “Mind your own business.” 

The officer was insulted and then asked him who he was looking for, to which the kid responded, “I’m looking for Trouble.”

Joke #2

A husband and wife are out for dinner one evening, and the husband keeps looking at a lady at the bar who is drunk. 

His wife is annoyed and asks, “Do you know that woman?” 

The man replies, “Unfortunately, yes, she’s my ex-wife. I heard she took to drinking after our divorce was finalized seven years ago, and she hasn’t been sober since.” 

His wife looked at him and said, “Who would have thought a person could go on celebrating that long?”

More Jokes

What’s the worst part about eating a clock? It’s time-consuming.

I heard there were multiple car thefts at the downtown parkade. That isn’t very reassuring on so many levels.

My girlfriend is always trying to control my life. The other day, she demanded that I stop acting like a flamingo. I had to put my foot down.


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