How to Easily Make Great Characters for a Story




MartinRaymondo 〰️ 〰️

Some may know that I have written novellas and novels as a premium ghostwriter. 

Unfortunately, I can’t mention what I’ve written, but I am in the process of writing my own book. 

It’s a murder mystery, and I have developed my characters. 

I loosely base them on people I have interacted with and imagine they exist in real life. This concept brings my characters to life as I imagine they sit beside me, talking to me when I type. 

It’s also an excellent idea to have a notebook beside you when you write. 

Keep notes of what characters do so you can reference them later on and not make mistakes. 

It’s essential in a murder mystery story as you must fill those loops and questions that arise throughout the novel. 

In my first novella, I did not do this, and the client called me and asked whatever happened to a particular mystery person I completely forgot about. 

It wasn’t enjoyable, yet I did learn from that experience. 

My notebook is critical and saves my life as it helps me remember where I’m trying to go with a story. 

Don’t overcomplicate your characters; let them develop like real people.


How to Get in the Writer’s Mindset


A Few Easy and Simple Editing Tips